Summer Symbols

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Native Americans have seen butterflies as symbols of metamorphosis, hope, and rebirth. In Chinese culture, the symbolism of butterflies evokes the qualities of freedom, earthly beauty, love, and the human soul. Peonies also symbolize love and beauty, but also stand for honor, happiness, wealth, and romance. Clouds signify the intermediate and liminal world between the the hidden and visible, the present and the absent. They are symbolic of the element of air, as is the butterfly. Air corresponds with mental energy, thoughts, beliefs, and generally holds our cognitive experiences as humans.
This card holds a message of rebirth of ideas, a blossoming of truth, self discovery, and rose colored glasses. Live with romance for yourself and your life.
There is a renaissance and metamorphosis of your whole self coming this summer.
 Roses symbolize love, beauty, sensuality, secrecy, and mysticism. The moon is our eternal mother, eternally associated with the Goddess & witchcraft. The crab is a symbol for the Moon, a message to find strength in vulnerability. The crab also symbolizes the journey of introspection. Its habit of retreating into its shell resonates with our own need for self-reflection, emphasizing the importance of boundaries and personal space. Thorns on the rose plant also demarcate boundaries, and demand that personal space stay sacred.
This card holds a message that it's time for self reflection and introspection. Evaluate your sacred boundaries. Ask yourself the following questions: Am I taking up the sacred space space that I deserve? Am I seeing the beauty in my own vulnerability? Are my boundaries keeping me safe as I move through the cycles of my own existence?
The true introspection of the flower bud and the open vulnerability of the blossoming flower is required this summer.
According to floriography, the Iris carries meanings of faith, courage, hope, and wisdom. These associations can be traced back to Greek mythology, where Iris was the goddess of the rainbow and a messenger for Zeus and Hera. Mushrooms are associated with spiritual growth and enlightenment. The mushroom's life cycle, with its ability to emerge from darkness and decay, represents the cyclical nature of life, and especially death. Snails symbolise tolerance and perseverance. Being hermaphroditic, Snails have a duality symbol as in the process of mating they use both their male and female characteristics to reproduce.
This card is a message to understand that there may be struggle and difficulty with others sometimes. It can be helpful to be flexible and see things from many perspectives. Take things slow. Come into situations with wisdom and understanding and accept when things are best left to decay and be born anew.
There is an emphasis on real spiritual growth seen in action this summer.
In the spiritual realm, the hedgehog spirit animal symbolizes the importance of self-protection and the ability to shield ourselves from emotional or spiritual harm. Blackberries can have several meanings. They often symbolize resilience and strength, as blackberries are known for their ability to grow and thrive in harsh conditions. They can also represent abundance and prosperity, as blackberries are plentiful and bountiful when in season. Both the Hedgehog and the Blackberry have built in self defenses. The fern is symbolic of everlasting youth. Many indigenous people believe that the fern represents new life and new beginnings. In Japan, ferns exemplify family and hope for the future. From the Victorian era, the fern embodied trustworthiness and humility.
This card is a message on the sweetness of earned trust and building strong and reliable community around you. When you are surrounded by other strong and loyal people you are protected, and you all are a part of community care. Friendships keep us feeling young, they offer us new beginnings, and they stoke the hopes for the future. We all have more when we share.
There is a demand for real community connection & protection this summer.
The Orchid is a symbol for love, beauty, unity, refinement, thoughtfulness, and mature charm. Orchids have shown more adaptability than nearly any other family of flowers. Fluorite is believed to be a balancing stone that cleanses and purifies, stabilize energy, increasing the ability to concentrate and helping one to understand and maintain relationships. It is called a stone of discernment and aptitude. Mockingbirds are symbols of intelligence and cleverness. They serve as important symbols of authenticity, adaptability, and empathy, and through its ability to imitate the sounds of other creatures, the mockingbird demonstrates a deep sense of understanding. Both Orchids and Mockingbirds are tricksters, too.
This card is a message that the ability to adapt will take a person very far. Having the maturity and wisdom to truly see and understand is rare. Don't be afraid to use wit to get what you want.
Your priority should be on working smarter, not harder this summer.
Magnolias represent luck, stability, nobility, and purity. They are one of the oldest flowering plants on earth. Turtles are one of the oldest species on earth, too. They also represent stability, and longevity. They are a part of many Native American creation myths. Their shell is a part of them, they don't live inside it. Pearls have been used as adornment for centuries, at least as far back as ancient Greece, where they believed pearls were the tears of the gods.
This card is a message to take things slow and to enjoy the pleasures of life. Start seeing the suggestion to "stop and smell the flowers" as a survival imperative. It is time to begin living for pleasure. Cover over the things that would bring you discomfort with beauty & take your time enjoying it. Find comfort and confidence in taking up all space necessary and holding your boundaries around yourself.
We're building things to last (that are beautiful) this summer.


Anointing Oils
Divination: Decks & Tools
A Prabhuji's Gifts incense pack
Loose Herbs
Mists & Sprays
Stickers & Stationary
Stickers & Stationary
Déjà Vu Merch

Aphrodite Tea


The Medicinal Melange

Money Oil
Money Oil

Anointing Oils

For candle magick, anointing, consecrating, & more
Shadow Work Ritual Oil
Shadow Work Ritual Oil
Lilith Ritual Oil
Lilith Ritual Oil
Road Opener Oil
Road Opener Oil
Road Opener Oil
Cut & Clear Oil
Cut & Clear Oil
Diviner’s Oil
Diviner’s Oil
Diviner’s Oil

Loose Herbs

We've got what you need for all kinds of intentions
Rose Petals
Rose Petals
Juniper Berries
Juniper Berries
Calendula Flowers Whole
Calendula Flowers Whole
Chamomile Flowers Whole
Chamomile Flowers Whole
Rosemary leaf
Rosemary leaf
Hibiscus Flower Whole
Hibiscus Flower Whole
Yarrow Flowers
Yarrow Flowers
Angelica Root
Angelica Root
Damiana Leaf
Damiana Leaf
Cascara Sagrada Bark
Cascara Sagrada Bark
Cat's Claw Bark
Cat's Claw Bark
Marshmallow Root
Marshmallow Root
Orris Root
Orris Root
Blue Vervain Herb
Blue Vervain Herb

Angelite Buddha Carving
